Thursday, May 01, 2014

Sleepless nights and endless days....

Monday night, for whatever reason, I couldn't get to sleep until after  But I still got up and got work on time.  I was working on only about 5 hours sleep, but made it through the day more or less okay.

Tuesday night, I tossed and turned and maybe got two hours total.  In short incriments. Like ten minutes of sleep, then rolling around and eventually getting another twenty, and then more rolling around, etc, etc, etc.

At about 530 am, I was laying in bed, staring at the ceiling and realizing, there was no way I was actually gonna get back to sleep.  And even if I did, I would only get about a half hour or so of sleep before I had to get up anyway.  

So I just got up and went in to work, getting there about 630.  Which led to much harrassment once my regular shift of coworker arrived.  I'm not usually there more than 15 minutes early, and here I was, at work already at 630.  But what a day it was.  I was 'off' the entire day.  Just couldn't focus, was walking like a zombie.  And oh I was irritable.  Things that usually wouldn't bother me were just pissing me off!

But since I had gone in early, I got to leave at 230. I came home and relaxed and did nothing.  I took a 20 minutes nap about 600, and that refreshed me and kept me going the rest of the night.  I went to sleep about 1030 and other than getting up twice to go to the bathroom I slept the night through.

Was still tired today at work...but that was more like usual tiredness I have every day not really bad tiredness like the day before.

Don't know what brought the sleeping problems on, but I'm glad it's gone, and I hope it never comes back.


1 comment:

Michelle M. said...

Going home early is nice. But being tired isn't.

Getting old stinks.