Saturday, May 10, 2014

With two children and a home, when does Mother's Day come....

Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day.....I hate them all.  They're nothing but forced holidays: holidays where the card companies, the flower companies and the candy companies tell us we HAVE to give gifts to someone and tell them we love them or we're terrible people.


I'll have nothing to do with any of them.  I tell me mom I love her every time I see her, not just when huge corporations tell me I should.  I'm not a slave to corporate peer pressure.  And I have not done ANYTHING for mom on Mother's Day for years.  I've taken her out to eat the Friday before and the Monday after.  I've sent her flowers before and/or after. I've gotten her cards every years, but never given them ON Mother's Day.

So today, it was time: I took mom her cards and gifts.  And here's a photo:

I always get to her two cards, one semi-serious (that's the Super Mom card) and one for Mommy from a lil kid...cause, ya know, I'm her little boy.  And this year, I got her this little gift thing I saw.  It's a mug with a pencil and post it notes and a little notepad inside.

I took them over after work, and she opened them and laughed, at both the Super mom and the lil boy card.  Tomorrow, instead of going out to eat, which will be insane to attempt on Mother's Day itself, we'll be eating at her place.  I think I'll try to surprise her Monday by buying her a Mother's Day lunch then.

And since I probably won't say it at all tomorrow, I'll say it tonight: Happy Mother's Day!



Michelle M. said...

That's sweet. Happy Mother's Day Mama Polt!

*I hope you ordered in so she didn't have to cook on Mother's Day, though : P.

Polt said...

She told me the day before, she had already pulled a pork roast out of the freezer to defrost for lunch on Mothers Day. so, that's what we had.