Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Cars are cars, all over the world...

Earlier in the month, prior to the Great Car Exchange Caper, mom had made plans to get Belle to the local VW mechanic and have her oil changed, a new battery put in and a 40,000 mile checkup.  Then two weeks ago, she bought the new car and gave me her old one (click on the above link for the entire story).  Well, she kept the appointment and said, she since she had planned it, she'd pay for it all too.  Who am I to argue, right?

Monday, she had a meeting to go to, but she was already carpooling with someone else going.  I told her I had plans to put some money in the Credit Union and then go to Sam's to get a few things.  She said we could both drive to the mechanic, I'd drive her back in her car to her house, and then I could bring her car with me and she's wait there for the carpool.  So, okay.

That's what we did.  I came home after taking her home.  I got everything together, went to the Credit Union, Wal-Mart, then drove to Sam's and Ollie's nearby, and then returned to the Credit Union area where KFC is located, and then came home to eat it.  The entire trip was just short of 50 miles.

I gotta tell ya, her car is SUH-weet!  It's quite, smooth, has a great get up and go to it.  And, best of all, she has a three month free subscription to Sirius radio.  If I spent more time in my car than I do, I tell you what: I'd HAVE that Sirius Radio in Belle!  My gosh, that is so nice.  Whatever type of music I want, non-stop and no commercials.  I was rocking out to the Dance/Electronica channels.  They were playing a lot of 90s/00s dance songs, and that's when I was a regular at the local gay bar.  I remembered a LOT of those songs.  What memories.  And what a great way to pass the time: not worrying about the slow cars or idiot drivers in front and around me, but instead getting into the music of my youth.

Ah well, maybe some day.

It also has one of those rear view camera thingees.  I never remembered I had it until I was already backed out.  I did watch it while backing into my parking space here at home, not that I needed it.  It's handy, I guess, if you use it.

Anyway, it's a VERY nice car.    I like mine, dont get me wrong, but it's a six year newer car, and has some nicer stuff than mine.  Although I have a sunroof in mine and she doesn't and so there is that.


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