Sunday, March 27, 2016

I'm a walking advertisement, of both dark and light (Part 1)...

I'm gonna try something I've never tried before.  

Just tonight, I saw my first political ad of the 2016 political season.  GROAN.  And it was for our current Republican US senator, Pat Toomey.  It regaled us how police are supporting him and how he strove to get more money for police and how he "spoke out against the rioters, when other's failed to do so."

In other words, "he was all pro-police and anti-Black people".  And that sells in the area I'm in.  In Philly, Pittsburgh, Harrisburg...nah, not so much, but here, you bet.  Course, the area *I* live in is going for Toomey and Trump regardless, so it's kinda wasted money.  But it's his money, so what do I care?

Anyway, here's what I plan on doing: I'm going to attempt to accurately record how often and how many political ads I see this season.  Dont know that I'll remember to (or that I'll frankly want to), but I'm gonna try.

So here we go, starting the list:

Mar 27: 1 ad, 1 ad total.


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