Saturday, January 14, 2017

It's a few weeks overdue, but here are some pics from Christmas Day.

A picture of the gifts mom got me, wrapped in, of course, purple wrapping paper.

Last year she got me the yard of Twix.  She didn't do so this year, thankfully, but she just couldn't resist getting me some kind of choclate.  So I got a Special Son Hershey Bar.

She always liked the "I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas" song, so I got her one for Christmas.  And it's purple, so she'll always know it's from me.

A lady elsewhere in the village was making one of mom's recipes for Christmas.  She called to get some clarification.  Mom's fingers were greasy because she was taking the turkey apart then, so i answered the phone and relayed the question and answered back and forth.  And after we hung up and mom was done with the turkey, she decided to just walk over and make sure everything was progressing.  So despite the fact one of her own guests was alreday there and two others were soon to arrive, mom walked on over just to make sure someone else's Christmas dinner was going to be great.

And this is her table, all set but minus the food.  Which I didn't get a photo of, cause i was too busy eating it.


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