Friday, January 13, 2017


In case you dont already know, I've been sick.  Got some kinda flu or something. Damn shit's been kicking my freakin ass all week!  Even had to break down and go to the doctor.  I never do that for the flu or a cold, I just take over the counter stuff and suffer a few days until it goes away.

Nope, not this time.  I've also been off work all week.  In the 20 and a half years I've worked there, I have only ONCE been off work using sick leave for more than two days at a time (because once you use three or more days, you need to get a doctor's slip to come back, and I've only needed that once, when I was off for three days).  But I went to the doctor on the third day and in addition to the antibiotic and the thing to help with the cough, she gave me the rest of the week off.  That way, with me not going back to work until Tuesday, I'd have the remainder of the week and the weekend to rest and fight this off.

So yeah, I'm feeling better tonight, but not well.  Tuesday was the worst, thank God I didn't stay like that for the rest of the week.  All I've been doing, though, is sitting on the couch, taking meds, drinking water, reading and watching stuff on Roku.  I haven't even been masturbating, I don't think that's happened since Sunday, and if anyone knows me they should know how WEIRD that is!

But in addition to all that, I haven't felt like doing any posting here.  And that;s why I haven't been.  I still don't really feel like doing too much, but I'll put some stuff up and hopefully will get back to normal soon.


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