Saturday, January 28, 2017

The TRUTH is I never left you (Part 4)...

TRUTH In The Time Of tRump

So, a Muslim ban.


I'm gonna leave alone for the moment who unAmerican and immoral such a ban is.  There are a few other things I'd like to mention about this.

tRump enacted the ban on Muslims entering the country from 7 Middle East Muslims countries.  It does NOT, however, cover Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Dubai. 

 Its interesting, is it not, that three of these countries are some of the most populous, though they're still not included.  What IS interesting, though, is that Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Dubai are all countries wherein tRump does business.  He has businesses located there...but NOT in the other 7 countries covered by the ban.  Hmmmm.... 

Also, in the largest terrorist attack (yet) on American soil, the 9/11 attacks, not a single terrorist in that attack was from any of the 7 countries covered by the ban.  Guess where they were from?  Some of the countries NOT covered by the ban/countries where tRump does business.

If he were serious about keeping possible Muslim terrorist out of the country, one would think he'd want to include ALL Muslim countries, including those he does business in and ones where terrorist that have attacked us before have come from.

But even beyond all this, I would like someone to explain something to me.  If I'm a Muslim in Syria and I was a VISA to come to USA, what's to prevent me from just saying I'm a Christian?  After all, the ban doesn't cover Christian refugees from these countries, only Muslim.  But there's nothing to prevent someone from saying he's a different religion.

AND, ISIS and Al-Qaida and groups like them have a lot of resources.  What's to prevent them from taking a Syrian Muslim who wants to blow up things in the USA, giving him fake documents, dropping him off in Egypt or Saudi Arabia or Turkey or Dubao and having him get a VISA and enter the USA through that country?

Or for that matter, what's to prevent a terrorist from flying in Canada, say Winnipeg or Saskatchewan, and then driving the US border somewhere where it's relatively deserted like in the middle of North Dakota or Montana and just walking into the USA? There's no wall or border check points or whatever along huge stretches of that border.

You see, with all the questions about this, and holes big enough to drive a Mack Truck through it's clear that a) no one in the White House really thought this through, and b) its practically worthless and not going to do what it's claimed to be able to do.

In other words, it's just quick, cheap political stunt to make it LOOK like tRump is doing something, without actually having to do anything that would really address the issue.  Because addressing this issue is hard and is going to take a lot of thought. 

It's all smoke and mirrors. But really, what else have we come to expect from tRump's White House?  

And it's only been 8 days.......


Above I said Dubai and Turkey were exempted and tRump had businesses there and they sent Muslim terrorists to the USA.  That was incorrect.  Instead I should have said Lebanon and The United Arab Emirates. (although neither Turkey nor Dubai are included in the ban).  See the chart below:

I apologize for the error.  And ya know what, with that admittance of my mistake and my apology for it, I've done something tRump hasn't done since he started his campaign almost two years ago.



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