Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I get a good feeling, yeah...

Now we come to what may (or may not) become a semi-regular feature here on the Palace:

Mama Polt Reads The Hits!

Wherein, I'll give Mama Polt the lyrics to a hit song and have her read them while I film her.  Much hilariry may ensue.  Or may not.  We'll see.

This first one, the volume's really low, so you'll probably have to turn it up.  And in what's totally my fault, I forgot to give her ALL the lyrics, so she stops reading like in the middle of a lyric.  But anyway, I'll let you guys watch it, let me know what you think.

Not too bad for a first, dry run in one take, eh? 



Tam said...

I love Mama Polt! She is a good reader for never having read them. And seriously, those lyrics suck and make no sense whatsoever, but it's a catchy tune.

I look forward to more Mama Polt.

john said...

This woman should be canonized.

Michelle M. said...

I agree with Tam and john. Mama Polt seems like she's game for anything!