Sunday, February 05, 2012

It's almost time for the Super Bowl, and I know quite a few people, women and gay men among them, who will not be watching.  But I ask you this, if football players wore THIS type of uniform, don't you think more people, women and gay men among them, would be more interested in watching?

Go Pats!  I want $100!



Tam said...

Nothing but body paint, that's my uniform of choice.

truthspew said...

Hell yeah! It'd be well worth watching then! But as it stands, it's rather like watching paint dry. I'd prefer not to do so.

And if you're wondering why I'm not using OpenID to post this comment, it's because Blogger broke something with OpenID when capcha's are used. I've tried publicly shaming them to no avail.

Michelle M. said...

I don't even think that would get me to watch football.