Monday, February 13, 2012

People try to judge me when their not in my shoes (Part 5)....

Yesterday I finished the 5th Season of Star Trek Voyager.

I got to say, the series isn't as abyssmal as I had thought, and each season is progressively better than the one before it.  Oh, dont get me wrong, the show still misses a lot of marks and has tons of unfulfilled potential.  And that's very frustrating.  But back to Season 5 specifically.

Janeway had the decent haircut all the way through it, the Bun O'Steel [TM] only popped up once, in a time travel thing.  Thank God it's gone.  Seven Of Nine was prevelant in a LOT of episodes, but she hadn't as I had remembered, comandeered the whole show and taken the show over.  And there were some pretty damn good episodes: Drone (with the Borg/29th centure tech hybrid); Timeless (where a future Chakotay and Harry have to prevent Voyager from crashing in ice and killing everyone else); Bride Of Chaotica! (I thought it was horribly cheesy when I first saw it, and upon reviewing, it IS, but it's so campy, it's great!); Someone To Watch Over me (Wherein Seven takes dating lessons from the Doctor); and Relativity (an over-the-top time travel story that's just great fun).

But there was still The Disease (where Kim falls in love with an alien and breaks all the rules to be with her); and The Fight (Chakotay fighting an alien in the boxing ring); Once Upon A Time (the storybook characters in the holodeck and Naomi Wildman); and the horribly dull and boring 11:59 (all about Janeway's ancestor in the year 2000).

So while there were some roadbumps, overall, a decent season.



truthspew said...

I'm solidly in the ST:TNG group. Never really got into Voyager or DS9 for that matter.

And the movies, I love Star Trek II the Wrath of Khan and Start Trek V!

Polt said...

TNG was always my favorite....until I watched all 7 seasons of DS9 back to back last year. I have to say DS9 is best, simply because of it's over-arcing storyarcs. TNG was best at doing episodic stuff.

And both of them are superior to Voyager, despite the fact it's not as bad as I recall.

The movies? TNG Borg movie in the past was the best, followed by TOS whales one. :) Oh and wrath of khan was pretty good too. :)