Sunday, February 19, 2012

So Kris stopped by tonight, but for only about an hour.  He and his roommate, Sean, came back up here cause Kris had some things he had left here, and they came to retrieve them.  Sean and Kris came here and we, well mainly me just me and Sean, talked comic books and politics and books such like that.  Kris interjected occasionally, but he really wasnt interested in those topics. 

When the time came for them to leave, Kris asked Sean to wait outside while he said goodbye.  Sean shook my hand like the gentleman he was, and then went out to the car.  Kris and I....said our goodbyes.  And then they left.

Man, I miss the guy.  I mean, I knew I did, but seeing him again just brought it home.  And he said the same, and I believe he felt so as well.  I wish things could be different.  I wish I could see him more often.  Ah, but if wishes were horses, no one would have to walk. 

It is what it is, and there's nothing to be done about it.  It was just nice to see him again.


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