Friday, February 01, 2013

Unexpected unexplained, it's not as complicated as they say...

What did I do after work tonight?  Well thanks for asking, let me tell ya!

Immediately after work, I visited a friend for a booty call.  It was a short one, cause he had to get to work, but we packed a lot into that short time.

Then, I made a trip to the ParisPeking household.  A Local Celebrity, Mr. David ParisPeking had a package sent to my house and I took it to his house after the booty call.  ALCMDPP was still at work and wouldn't be home until about 10:00.  When Mrs. ALCMDPP answered the door she took the package and invited me in.

She got me a beer from the keg-a-nator and we sat down to talk.  The ParisPeking girls kept asking me if I was staying for supper, so, I did.  We had talapia (I dont know if that's how you spell's a kind of fish), mashed taters and mixed veggies.  Mmmm, and they was all good.  Much better than the can of soup I was planning on making for myself here at home.  And then a cup of coffee afterwards.  While she prepared the meal, I watched "The Lorax" with the kids, and may or may not have fallen asleep for short periods of time.  Twice. (oh and when I texted all this to MR. ALCMDPP, he said I could keep his wife but to stay away from his beer.)

Also, I'm not sure if I ever mentioned this before, but Mrs. ALCMDPP is also a writer.  Of erotic (straight) romance (I think that's how she termed it).  With bondage, discipline, spanking, ya know, all that romantic stuff.  Anyway, most of her stuff is published online for e-readers.  However, two of her stories have been published as real honest-to-God book.  And she showed me the five complimentary copies they sent her.  So, since I asked for one, I got an autographed copy!  YAY!  I'll put it on the shelf with the children's book Craiggers [published and the book of art/nudity that Ray published!  I have a shelf of books from authors I know personally!  How awesome is that?

So yeah, that was my night.  Oh and then coming back here and doing the usual nothing.  But all in all a very pleasant evening!  And one that was totally unplanned!


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