Thursday, February 27, 2014

Get up and move it, to the music (Part 95)...


I did not watch the Winter Olympics this year at all, no interest. (well actually, I watched a bit of skiing with mom at her place for about twenty minutes one night while we talked.  But I dont really count that.)  The Winter Olympics just dont mean that much to me, no where NEAR as much as the Summer Olympics do.  I attribute that to the fact the Winter Olympians are all bundled up and you can hardly see them, whereas the Summer Olympics are all about showing flesh.  But I digress....

ANYWAY, this would be one way to make the Winter Olympics, or at least part of them, more interesting to me.

So I've got jury duty Monday and Tuesday.  And guess what?  The weather projections are for a "long duration storm with heavy precipitation starting Sunday and going most of the day Monday". 



If I were a hero, I'd be Martin Luthor (Part 64)...

Superhero Anydays

This week, a spray painted Captain America.


Rita Hayworth, gave good face (Part 72)...

Fetching Faces

This week, just a random cute face.

And a sorta salute too.


A people, a tongue, and a nation (Part 89)...

Luscious Licks

This week, just a random tongue.


Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Cut their hair short, wear shirts and boots (Part 314)...

Wife Beater Wednesdays

This week: Pulled Up Wife Beaters!


Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Running around robbing banks, all wacked up off Scooby Snacks....

So, what is my favorite snacky stuff right now?  Let me show you:

yep, that's Thomas' Wheat Bagel Thins, smothered in Philadelphia Cream Cheese and a Diet Lemon Snapple to wash it all down.  I usually have two bagels at a time, I just can't eat one.  And really, they are drenched in the cream cheese.  Just LOVE them......

And they don't help my diabetes AT ALL....but still I love them.


the back of your hand, somewhere on my behind (Part 201)...

Tooshie Tuesdays

This week: One Guy's Tooshie In A Mankini!


Monday, February 24, 2014

These news meds I have been on are exhausting.  I told the doctor this back in January when I was last there, and she told me maybe I just needed more time to adjust to it.  So that's what I've been trying to do.  But it's not working.

Example: Today.  I got up at 8 am, cause I had a booty call (dont judge).  I got home from that, had breakfast and then laid down on the couch to read a bit..and promptly feel asleep.  That was about 11:10.  Slept until about 12:40, when i got up and went to my dentist appointment (just a cleaning, everything's good).  Then I mailed some bills at the Post Office, deposited some money at the Credit Union and did a bit of shopping.  About 3:00 I laid down again to read some more...and promptly feel asleep.  I slept until 5:20 when mom called and woke me up.  Then I watched some TV putzed around online had supper and now, at 8:30, I'm ready to go to bed.  I'll probably be up until 10:00 reading, but by then I'll be ready for sleep.

This is entirely too much sleep, isn't it?  I think so.


You're wantin' my body, I don't mind (Part 444)...


This week: Hot Shirtless Guys And Chains.


Sunday, February 23, 2014

Today, mom and I went for Sunday lunch, as we often do.  She also had to return something to Wal-Mart.  So i went in too, not needing anything, and just wandered about a bit.  What did I end up buying?  Let me show you:

So now I've got plenty to keep me busy, should we get snowed in again this year.  AND, I dont have to wait a whole week for Downton Abbey, I can watch all of it one right after the other.  Just like I did for the first three seasons.


Let's get unconscious honey (Part 399)...


These come each week from

I say ... and you think ... ?
  1. White House :: President
  2. Coffee break :: Too short
  3. Retirement :: Never gonna happen
  4. Lipstick :: Stain
  5. Department :: Head
  6. Blinds :: Window
  7. Diploma :: High School
  8. Communication :: Talking
  9. Budget :: Cuts
  10. Things :: Stuff


DRive my mini-Cooper and I'm feeling super-dooper (Part 267)...

Superman Sundays

This week, a Superman Belt Buckle!


Saturday, February 22, 2014

My baby's got a secret (Part 250)...

Secret Saturdays

This week: Herpes Secrets!


Friday, February 21, 2014

Orange crush...

Almost forgot about this poll!

How do you all take your orange juice?

42 % of you take no pulp at all.
33% of you take lots of pulp.
17 % take some pulp
8% of you say "Orange juice? EWWW!"

Thanks for participating!


Soem boys kiss me, some boys hug me (Part 308)...

Frenching Fridays

This week: Tongues!


Thursday, February 20, 2014

If I were a hero, I'd be Martin Luthor (Part 63)...

Superhero Anydays

This week, just a random Batman belt clip.


A people, a tongue, and a nation (Part 88)...

Luscious Licks

This week, a random tongue.


Keeping it together, all in the family (Part 32)...

Gemini Guys

This week, just some random twins.


Get up an move it, to the music (Part 94)...


This week, just a random Motivational Poster!


Rita Hayworth, gave good face (Part 71)...

Fetching Faces

This week, just a random cute face.

Cute stubble too.


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Check this out, real quick, I don't know if everybody know (Part 29)...

Check This Out!

This photo just cracks me up.


The dog ate my sofa and my homework too....

Yeah, that book was quite crappy.  Good thing is was relatively short.  I've moved on already to a Doctor Who book, that'll be much better.

On a totally unrelated note, I've discovered my sofa has magically properties. If one lays on it, especially soon after eating, and one has the lil space heater turned on at the foot of the sofa, so one's own feet and legs are nice and toasty warm, and one starts to read a book, inevitably before long, one falls asleep.  Into a deliciously decadent mid-day nap lasting anywhere from a half hour to more than two hours at a time.

Happens every single time.


(mini) Bits-N-Pieces

So I haven;t shaved since Saturday morning, I haven't showered since Sunday morning.  Yeah, I'm turning into a hermit.
Mom's Neighbor, Mary Lou, is not doing very well at all.  Mom was up to see her today.  She told her anytime she's laying on the couch she's fine.  But since the cancer's moved to her lungs, anytime she stands up to do anything, she just gets out of breath.  She's not eating, cause she has no appetite and even when she does eat it takes all her energy to do so.  She's got a call in to the doctor to tell him she's going to stop the chemo, and then she'll call Hospice for them to come in.  It sounds like she doesn't have too much longer.

I don't want to see her die, but I dont want her to continue to suffer either.  Its sad.
Had to do a lil shoveling today, my back is a bit sore.  I did more pushing of snow around rather than actually shoveling, but everything is cleared off.  I've taken Advil and that's helped.  I dont think my back will be as bad as it was last week.  At least I hope it wont.
Im eating way too much chocolate and bad stuff and not getting as much (or any) exercise as I should.  The doc's not gonna be happy with my results next month, I'm sure of it.
This book I'm reading it taking forEVER to get through.  I'm almost done, but geez, it's been a struggle.

Well, better get back to reading it, get it finished and then start on a better book.


The back of your hand somewhere on my behind (Part 200)....

Tooshie Tuesdays

This week, Tooshies And Socks!