(mini) Bits-N-Pieces
So I haven;t shaved since Saturday morning, I haven't showered since Sunday morning. Yeah, I'm turning into a hermit.
Mom's Neighbor, Mary Lou, is not doing very well at all. Mom was up to see her today. She told her anytime she's laying on the couch she's fine. But since the cancer's moved to her lungs, anytime she stands up to do anything, she just gets out of breath. She's not eating, cause she has no appetite and even when she does eat it takes all her energy to do so. She's got a call in to the doctor to tell him she's going to stop the chemo, and then she'll call Hospice for them to come in. It sounds like she doesn't have too much longer.
I don't want to see her die, but I dont want her to continue to suffer either. Its sad.
Had to do a lil shoveling today, my back is a bit sore. I did more pushing of snow around rather than actually shoveling, but everything is cleared off. I've taken Advil and that's helped. I dont think my back will be as bad as it was last week. At least I hope it wont.
Im eating way too much chocolate and bad stuff and not getting as much (or any) exercise as I should. The doc's not gonna be happy with my results next month, I'm sure of it.
This book I'm reading it taking forEVER to get through. I'm almost done, but geez, it's been a struggle.
Well, better get back to reading it, get it finished and then start on a better book.