Friday, February 14, 2014

SO yesterday, the storm hit.  It wasn't as bad as they had said it was gonna be, but I think there was still like 12 inches around here.  I got awake about 6:00 and checked the county's website to find county government was closed.  And as my coworker said, "When the county's closed, I'm closed!"  So I went back to sleep.

I woke up about 8:30, read some, putzed around online, read some more, made eggs for breakfast and ate them.  Then, about 1230, it stopped snowing. I had heard they were projecting more snow for later in the afternoon or evening.  So I thought I'd better get out there and take care of it right then.

The sidewalk had been taken care of by a neighbor and his snow blower (and when winter's over, I'll send him a thank you card and a check for $20 for gas), so I cleaned the steps to the porch off and then went back to the car.  I cleaned out around it and cleaned the car itself off.  There was still about 8 inches in width in front of the car I did not clean, because the boro hadn't plowed the alley yet, and when they did, I knew they'd just cover that back in.

So i went back inside, read some more, made chili and ate a bowl (delish) and then read again.  I heard the alley being plowed and then went out of shovel the front of the car out.

Later in the evening, my lower back started hurting.  This isn't unusual when I shovel snow, so I took some Advil and then soon went to bed.  Around 5am, I had to pee.  And when I got out of bed....oh man, the pain in my lower back was phenomenal!  I couldn't even stand up totally straight, I had to lean forward just for it not to hurt.  Never had that experience before.  So after peeing, I took some more Advil and went back to bed, but the pain remained.  So i called in to work and took the day off.

My plan is, since I'm the only one who works Saturday, I'll go in then and do what I can.  And then I have three days off in a row. Either my back problem is just a muscled thing, and it'll improve with time, or it's something more serious, won't improve, and then I can go to the doctor Monday or Tuesday when I'm off work.

But either way, man, getting old sucks.  I'm still not able to stand upright without pain in my back.  Laying down is perfect, sitting is okay, but only for short periods.  This is crazy.


1 comment:

Michelle M. said...

It totally sucks! Just wait until you start falling down and breaking things! BOO!