Monday, February 17, 2014


I have discovered that I dont shower as much as I used to.

Oh, when I'm going to work or something important, of COURSE I shower.  But when I was younger, I would not leave the house without a shower.  Now, though, if I'm only going to the grocery store or to grab some food or whatever, it's just throw on some clothes, a hat and out the door I go.

I don't know if I should blame the meds I'm on (cause I am tired and fatigued like all the time), or the fact I'm older and just dont care about small shit as much, or maybe I'm just lazier than I used to he.  Who knows?
A friend of mine texted me over the weekend wanting to know if he could use me as a reference cause he's applying for a Coast Guard job in West Virginia.  When I was done laughing, I texted back asked how he could get a Coast Guard job in a land locked state?  And he texted back is was an IT job, and he doesn't have to be on or neat the water for that apparently.  So of course I told him I'd be a reference.  But really....only in government does that kinda stuff happen!
Back during the deep freeze, the pipes from mom's shower froze, so she was in the basement, up a ladder, sitting on top of the freezer, using a hair dryer on the pipes.  Then, last week, before we got the snow, she checked out her snow blower first, and there was ice frozen in the blades.  So what did she do?  She plugged the hair dryer in outside and stood there until she melted the ice on the blades so it would work.  Bless her soul, she's not only imaginative but very persistent as well.
And of course, here's the Bits N Pieces Obligatory Eye Candy!


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