Monday, February 24, 2014

These news meds I have been on are exhausting.  I told the doctor this back in January when I was last there, and she told me maybe I just needed more time to adjust to it.  So that's what I've been trying to do.  But it's not working.

Example: Today.  I got up at 8 am, cause I had a booty call (dont judge).  I got home from that, had breakfast and then laid down on the couch to read a bit..and promptly feel asleep.  That was about 11:10.  Slept until about 12:40, when i got up and went to my dentist appointment (just a cleaning, everything's good).  Then I mailed some bills at the Post Office, deposited some money at the Credit Union and did a bit of shopping.  About 3:00 I laid down again to read some more...and promptly feel asleep.  I slept until 5:20 when mom called and woke me up.  Then I watched some TV putzed around online had supper and now, at 8:30, I'm ready to go to bed.  I'll probably be up until 10:00 reading, but by then I'll be ready for sleep.

This is entirely too much sleep, isn't it?  I think so.


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