Wednesday, February 12, 2014

So, the Snowpocalypse of 2014 is on its way. Snow is supposed to start about 8:00 and potentially last to Friday morning at 5:00am.  Snow totals minimum of 8 inches, up to perhaps 15 inches or more.  *SIGH*

Yesterday after work, I stopped by the grocery store to get just a few things, and I bought all the stuff to make chili.  So plans for tomorrow, while the snow piles up outside, I'll be sleeping my ass in late, and then making chili and feasting upon it later in the day.  And watching TV and putzing around online.

My only concern is if the power should go out.  Not a big concern, mind you, cause I've lived in the same town all of my 46 years, in three different abodes and I recall not a single time that I lost power for a period longer than, say, an hour.  Course, then again, anything can happen.

So I've battened down the hatches and have snuggled in to at least Thursday night.



Michelle M. said...

Sounds great (the snuggling and the chili). Fingers crossed the power stays on. Stay warm!

Anonymous said...

That massive one that hit us last year - left us with no power for FOUR DAYS! That was pretty ugly.

I've long called National Grid "Third World Power". They insist on stringing cable in the air knowing it's gonna get knocked down with a stiff wind. Meanwhile the tech exists now to cheaply bury all of it. So why the hell not?