Thursday, January 05, 2017

So a couple things happened yesterday....

Firstly, it was my first time at Physical Therapy.  Not too bad.  Some of the exercises were tough, not because they were strenuous, but because I was concentrating on muscles in my bicep and upper arm that I've not been using, it was...tiresome.  But I made it through....although later in the evening, my shoulder spasmed a lil bit.  We'll see what that leads to.

Secondly, mom came over and we got all the Christmas decorations down.  Not a big deal.  Took us less than an hour.  Still, it's something of an achievement considering when I was in the apartment, and had less decorations, several times they were up until Valentine's Day, and once, even until Memorial Day!

Thirdly, I woke up with a congested head and a raspy throat.   I hope that's all it is and not that flu with vomiting and pooping part of it too.  But I've been downing my Alka-Seltzer Plus pretty regularly since I first felt it, so hopefully that helps.

Fourthly, this morning, I woke up to use the bathroom at 3:45, and then I could NOT get back to sleep!  I rolled around for an hour and a half and then was just like, eh, screw it.  I'm just gonna get up and go to work.  The added benefit was that if I worked 6-2, I wouldn't have to take any leave when I had my physical therapy today.  So that's what I did.

Also, just as an aside, I've been binge watching the series Versailles.  One of the best parts about it is it's theme song, Outro, by M83.  Amazing uplifting piece of music.  Enjoy.


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