Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Thirteen years ago, back when I worked at Borders, there was a Subway shop in the same center.  I'd go there sometimes to get sandwiches.  I only worked certain days, and when I did, there was always the same guy in there.  We'd talk and we got to know each other.  Eventually we started hanging out together, and he spent the night a few times at the apartment.  Unfortunately, he was totally straight, so he slept on the couch, but that's not the point of this post.

Today, April 15th, is his 32nd birthday.  I remembered today as his birthday, but I discovered it was his 32nd because just a few weeks ago, we became friends on Facebook.

Sometime in the last few months, he started a new experience plan.  I don't know what it is specifically, but I know he's been doing for a bit.  And a few weeks ago, he posted this pic of his before and after.

And then today, he posted this pic, on his birthday.

When I knew him, he looked much more like the after pics than the before one.  But even now, I can see he's still a hottie.  And so, even though he doesn't read this blog (at least I don't think he does), I want to wish him a Happy Birthday!

Have a great one, Christian!  And have many more.


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