Sunday, September 08, 2024

We have to fight elections, for our cause (Part 10)...

 I have not heard a better analogy to sum up the upcoming election. 

"You know what this election is like?

It’s like all of us are collectively buying a new house, and we have to choose between two options.

House #2 is on fire.

That should be the end of the discussion right there, but some of you are walking around House #1 and saying things like, “I don’t like this backsplash. The steps are too high. The way the furniture is laid out is just a feng shui nightmare.”

Now, I’m not saying that these aren’t valid criticisms.

But House #2 is on fire.

If the choice was between two normal houses, then we could sit down and have a nuanced conversation about the pros and cons of both options.

But we can’t, because House #2 is on fire.

No one ever said that House #1 was perfect. In fact, we actually switched out House #1 fairly recently because the original house got too many complaints for being old and outdated. So we replaced it with a newer house that a lot of people are more satisfied with, but some people still can’t stop talking about the house’s flaws.

The fact of the matter is, buying this house is not a lifetime commitment. You only have to live here for the next four years. By then, hopefully the burning house will be off the market.

You don’t have to love this house. You don’t even have to like this house. All you have to do is take a step back, look at the situation for what it is, and use some common sense.

Because buying a house on fire would be a really bad idea."


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