Thursday, December 15, 2011


It's been so warm lately, like in the 50's.  Ten days before Christmas.  But no, the Republican wingnuts are correct, there's obviously no such thing as global warming.   On the upside, all the precipitation we're getting today is only rain and not snow, so that's a good thing, right?
This made the rounds on Facebook today, and in case you didn't see it, well you certainly should.

See this, THIS my friends, is what happens when you allow the queers in our US military!
So last year you may recall at our family Christmas, mom and I did, at her suggestion, Rudolf The Rednosed Reindeer (click HERE if you have no idea what I'm talking about).  This year, she wants to do another one.  And it's "I Want A Hippotamous For Christmas".   *SIGH*  Luckily, I do NOT have to be the hippo.  No I just have to be Santa again.  Mom's gonna do the singing...I think that's what she calls the noises she makes.  I'm sure someone there will film in on their phones, and post it on Facebook.  If it happens, I'll try to get it here so you all can see it too.  She and I rehearsed it tonight.  Oh man.....this is insane.
This was making it's rounds in Facebook earlier today, thought I'd play along.

Everyone has *eight* names.
1. Your real name
2. Your detective name (favorite color and favorite animal):
3. Your soap opera name (middle name and the street you live on):
4. Your star wars name ( first 3 letters of last name, first 2 of middle name, first 2 of first, last 3 of last)
5. Superhero name (second favorite color and favorite drink)
6. Goth name (black and one of your pets name)
7. Drag Name (First pet and street you lived on as a child)
8. Gay Porn Name (High school mascot and first car):

1. Polt
2. Purple Dog (what the hell?)
3. Lamar Potomac (Hmm, that would be a gay soap opera, natch)
4. Sholachkey (sounds like a Hutt name, doesn't it?)
5. Blue Pepsi (what the HELL?)
6. Black Angel (now this sounds like a good, anti-hero superhero name!)
7. Muffin Church (always loved this.  this SO would be my drag name.  If I did drag)
8. Indian Pontiac6000 (  Just no.)
Gotta make deviled eggs for the family Christmas Saturday.  Haven't made them since before I moved into the house two years ago.  And I can't find the recipe I always used.  Ah well, that's one reason God invented the Internet, I'll get a recipe off there.  I hard boiled the eggs today, gonna have to do the acutal making of the deviled eggs tomorrow night.
Had crazy dreams last night.  The first one made me so sad, depressed and upset, I was bawling in my dream, and I woke myself up from it.  Was still upset and depressed.  Couldn't go back to sleep for over an hour.  Then, had another crazy dream about me helping the Muppets backstage when they were up on an actual stage somewhere.  that was pretty fun.  But the result of all this is that I didn't get much sleep and am now pretty much exhausted.  Bed is calling me right now as a matter of fact.
And now some Christmas caroling.

Your chest and nuts roasting on a open fire....da, da, da......
I'm really digging The New Girl.  If you're not watching it, you should be.  The situations are funny, the characters are real, and there's usually at least one shirtless guy moment in every episode.  It's on right after Glee, check it out, you wont be disappointed.
And finally, the Obligatory Bits-N-Pieces Eye Candy


1 comment:

Michelle M. said...

Muffin Church is a fab drag name.