Tuesday, December 27, 2011

My legacy, my gift and my curse...

So how was the Polt Christmas?  Well, coulda been better truthfully.  Waking up with Kris, and the morning bedtimesexxyfun were great.  Three plate-fulls of Mama Polt's homemade Christmas dinner, yum!  Opening some Christmas gifts and giving Kris his.  Cuddling on the couch and watching Hercules with Kris.  Yeah, good times.

After I took Kris home though, I kinda had an anxiety attack followed by a minor meltdown.  And a virus on the laptop.  yay.  But after some crying and talking things over with mom, all was well.  Still, not the best time I've ever had.

But I've got pics from the day:

I got Angel a stocking full of purple dog toys.  This is her surrounded by them, after she drug them all out and spread them all around.

While I ate lunch, I had to deal with this....this...this look.  And an occasional whine and whimper.  *SIGH*  It's like we never feed her anything.

As the afternoon progressed, it became clear she preferred the Christmas Bear the best, cause she carried it around with her all the time.

Tell me, honestly, how could you look at this smile and NOT smile yourself?

So FDot sent me this, which unfortunately is not the real Puck.  And it's not a shirtless Taylor Lautner cutout.  But on the plus side, it's not a Rachel Berry cutout either.  Ah, FDot, he knows me so well.

Craiggers sent me this Superman wrist band, which I shall wear proudly, AND the t-shirt, which still applies even if you read it online.

Tam sent me this awesome Dallas Cowboy garden gnome and book on Comic book trivia and stuff.  Good fun!

Adam Sullens, even though he's a prick, sent me a bag of lump of coal candy, a bag of bubble bath (?) and the Penis Pokey book.  Which is too small, but the thought is appreciated.

Mama Polt got me all this: calenders, Christmas ornaments, Dallas Cowboys tin with snacky stuff inside, and a box of sugarfree chocolates.  Nice.

But really, the best Christmas present of the year, was without a doubt, Kris, spending the night.



adam said...

revealing gift exchange gifts BEFORE the gift exchange post is HIGHLY frowned upon!

Polt said...

Alright, I took out the Bloggy GIft Exchange part...now everyone just has to GUESS which of these people gave me the Bloggy Gift Exchanges Gifts. Until the big reveal I suppose.

*SHEESH*, some people are SO territorial. :)


Michelle M. said...

Those are some great gifts. The pokey book is cracking me up. And they made it in time (unlike everything I sent out...)

Sorry to hear about the anxiety attack. Don't do that!

Kris does have a wonderful smile.

Enrico said...

I just got lots of clothes! Oh, and a Taylor Swift guitar book so now I'm going to play all her songs on guitar and post videos! YAY!