Sunday, December 04, 2011

We had a date, one night....

Thursday, after work, I picked up Kris at his apartment and we went right away to the theater to watch The Immortals.  The multiplex we went to has a bunch of smaller theaters, one of which is where our movie was playing.  And it was like sitting in First Class on the plane!  The seats were large, leather recliners!  I'm NOT kiddin!  They had large cup holders in the arms as well as a little table you could put up to sit things on!  And, oh did I mention, they RECLINED???  I mean, there were probably only five rows total, with four seats on each side, cause that's all they could fit in there with the size of these things.  man, it was an awesome sit!  Here's a photo of Kris relaxing in the seat.

The movie itself?  Meh.  It had quite a cool look to it, and there was TONS of eye candy, but the plot was...predictable.  And a bit confusing too.  But still, I had a good time.  Mainly cause Kris and I were there together.  Yeah, we did sappy theater couple shit: holding hands, leaning against each other, one's arm around the other, occasionally a kiss.  I'm slightly embarrassed about how...young, teenagerish and 'first-love'ish I feel around Kris.  But I'm mostly a bit giddy from it, so the embarrassment doesn't affect me much.

After the movie went to my stylist, Kris had an appointment to get a much needed haircut.  On there way there, I came to find out that Kris had no idea who Stevie Nicks was.  SERIOUSLY!  I mean, I know he's young, but c'mon, he's not uneducated.  And when I said she sang for Fleetwood Mac, I learned he didn't know who Fleetwood Mac was either.  I KNOW!  Is that not insane???? So I had to play him some music from my iTunes on my iPhone while I drove us to the haircut.  Kids nowadays...SHEESH!

The cut when well, Linda did her usual fantastic job.  They bonded a bit when they both revealed they were veterans.  But the important thing is, his hair looks so much better now, and Linda is amazing at cutting both white and black men's hair!

Following this, we ate supper at Bob Evans.  This is where Kris wanted to eat, becuase he works there and can get a discount.  I have eaten there before, but usually only breakfast.  It's not a place I'd ever been for lunch or supper, and probably wouldn't have thought of going to.  But MAN the food was pretty damn good.  And Kris was funny.  All his coworkers were waving to him and stuff, and I could swear he was blushing cause at one point, he said he KNOWS they were talking about us. 

After that, I drove him back to his place and then came home.  And it was on the drive home that I realized that this was probably the first time Kris and I had actually been on a 'date'.  Yeah know, the movie-dinner-holding-hands-but-no-sex-or-spending-the-night get together.  And then I realized, I can't even remember the last time I had a real 'date'.  Perhaps the last time in Toronto when Ed and I walked around the city and then got something to eat.  Or maybe it was with the guy that Linda, my stylist, set me up with a few years ago, where we just got dinner.  But either way, both of those were three years or more ago. 

Regardless, it was an entirely enjoyable evening.  And one, I know, we both look forward to repeating.


1 comment:

Michelle M. said...

Oh my god, how can you not know who Fleetwood Mac is? We're old. Oh well, someday some kid will ask Kris who Katy Perry or Beyonce are and it will all balance out.