Sunday, December 25, 2011

I know, kids, I haven't been posting much recently, but Uncle Polt's been busy.  I'll catch up on everything soon.  Right now, though, I'd really like to discuss something.

The.  BEST.  Christmas.  Eve.  EVAH!

It started by me getting up earlier than usual, like at 6:45, because I wanted to leave work a bit early.  And thus, I did get to work early and leave early.  Work itself wasn't too bad.  Not real busy, but busy enough.  And just like last year, this year, I bought pizza for all my coworkers and had them delivered for lunch.  This year, though, I was at work, so I could enjoy the pizza myself.

After work, I went to Kris' work to pick him up.  Once I got there I texted him.  At which point, he texted me back that since they were so insanely busy, they weren't closing at 3, as planned, but they were closing at 5 instead.  He said I could come inside at wait.  but instead I went to the used book store and browsed around for like 45 minutes of so, finding only two books I wanted to buy.  But still had a good time wasting the time.  Then I went to the grocery store to pick up some things that I needed, including something or us for breakfast.

Then I went back and waited at his restaurant.  When he finally got everything wrapped up, it was closer to 6 than 5, but I had my iPhone and wasting time just roaming around on there.  So when he finally came out, we kissed out hellos and made our made home, stopping only on the way to get a pizza.

Upon getting here, we ate the pizza, watched the Cowboys lose miserably to the Eagles and then went to bed from some bedtimesexxyfun.  Following that, and a shower, we came back downstairs, each had a beer and settled in for my Christmas Eve tradition.  We first watched the Christmas episode of " My So-Called Life" which every year makes me cry.  And so I did this year.  And then, as a cheer my up, like every year, we watched "Year Without A Santa Claus", during which I sang nearly every song, and Kris laughed.

Also at some time during the night, we laid in bed and watched videos on my iPhone and watched some stuff on the laptop downstairs.  And Kris opened the gift I got him of a book. And then we went to bed again and cuddled for a short while before turning out the light and going to sleep.

It may not sound like a whole lot, but it was truly my best Christmas Eve ever.  Because, in all my 44 years, I have never spent a Christmas Eve, and woke up on Christmas Day, next to someone I loved.  Oh sure when I lived at home, I spent Christmas Eve with my parents.  And in the apartment, Ag spent several Christmas Eve's in my apartment watching TV and such.   And on several Christmases I was dating someone, but for various reasons we never got together then.  So it was truly a great Christmas Eve.

Christmas itself was a smidge of a letdown, but that's a post for another day.  As they say, better late than never, so finally, after 44 years, I had the Christmas Eve I always wanted.


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