Saturday, December 10, 2011

Hey baby, I'm your telephone man....

So I've had my iPhone for seveal weeks now, and while I am enjoying it, it has not, as A Local Celebrity, Mr. David ParisPeking has asked, totally changed my life.  Yet.

But it HAS come in handy in several instances.

1) When making this year's Christmas video (watch it above if you haven't done so already.  Or hell, watch it again if you have!), I had to get a shot at mom's.  And so I loaded Kris, Ghostie, the camera, and myself into the car and off we went.  However, on the way there, I realized I had left the lyrics at home and none of us remembered the exact lyrics.  Oh well, I thought, mom has a computer, but it takes forEVER for the damn thing to boot up.  And then I remembered, "I have an iPhone!"  So once we got there, I just got on Google and looked it up! YAY, iPhone!

2) When Kris and I were at the movies this week, we were waiting for the movie to start and talking about the Christmas video (watch it above it you haven't done so already.  Or hell, watch it again if you have!), and he hadn't seen it yet, so right then and there, I got on Youtube and showed it to him!  Yay, iPhone!

3) Today at the grocery store, I realized I was missing my debit card.  After the initial shock of "Oh GOD, where is my card?", I remembered back that I paid for Kris and my meal at TGIFridays on Thursday with the card.  I must have left it there.  So once I paid for the groceries with a credit card and returned to my car, I got on my iPhone, got on Google, looked up the phone number for the restaurant, called it, and lo and behold, they DID have my card.  So off I went to the place and got it.  Yay, iPhone!

So, while it's not been a life-changer, it HAS been pretty damn convienent and helpful!


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