Sunday, May 26, 2013


Two Friday ago, I went to see Star Trek: Into Darkness with some friends.

I enjoyed the movie, it was entertaining.  A few plotholes popped up while watching it, but honestly, I was having such a good time I pushed them to the side and went with it.  As I think back over the movie now, there are more and more plotholes popping up.  But whatever, I still enjoyed it and that's all that matters.
Not only did I put down mulch in the garden out front and plant flowers there, but I planted flowers in four pots as well, two smalls and two large ones.  The small ones I placed on the porch railing at the front of the house, the large ones on the railing at the side of the house where and alley runs next to it.

Well the same Friday I went to see Star Trek, after having the plants out there only since the Monday before, I noticed someone had stolen one of the large pots!  The one filled with purple plants no less!  I mean, who does that?  I wasn't so much angry at the theft (although I was) as I was upset at losing the flowers.  But I hope whoever took them is enjoying all the purpleness as much as I would have.
Mom's been sick all week since Tuesday, vomiting, diarrhea, feverish, just  NOT a good time.  But as soon as she started feeling a little better on Thursday...she went out and mowed the grass.  Which involved her later feeling worse again.  And on Friday, when she was feeling a little better, she dragged the park bench and other furniture on her patio around the fence and out in the grass because she's having people over for Memorial Day and she needs to get the place cleaned up.  Which involved her feeling bad again Friday night, so much so that she almost called me to take her to the Emergency Room at 1AM, but didn't.

Saturday, she went to the doctor, who told her she was at the end of whatever she had, to take it easy the next two days or so, drink plenty of fluids, stay away from dairy stuff, and rest.  Which is what *I* was telling her from Tuesday on (minus the no-dairy part).  I had to remind her she's 70 years old now, and not 30 or 40 when she could fight off a virus in a day or two.  But oh NO, she's gotta be going full bore all the time!

On the up side, she's feeling much better today.  We made a trip to Hagerstown after lunch to get a few things, and when we were in Sam's she was feeling good enough to hit up every single booth giving away free foods (and there were a TON of them today!), although she knew enough to avoid the ones handing out dairy stuff.
While at Sams, I saw they had the first season of Game Of Thrones there for $34.  I haven't seen any of it, but I hear people talking about it all the time. And people from all walks of life, people who I wouldn't think would normally care about a show like that one seems to be.  So I threw caution to the wind and bought it.  Now I just have to start watching it sometime soon.

I feel I'll like it once I start watching it.  I'm once again behind the curve on shows like this that others just rave about (Downton Abbey, True Blood, Spartacus), and when I DO eventually watch those shows (like Avatar: The Last Airbender, Battlestar Galactica, The Walking Dead) I usually DO enjoy them immensely and I kick myself for not getting into them sooner.  But, ah well, such is life.
So tomorrow is Memorial Day.  Everyone enjoy your holiday!  Since it's also Monday, and that's my regular day off work, I get to take my Memorial Day holiday at some other time.  This year, I plan on taking it on June 8th.  That's the Pride Parade in DC!  YAY!
And of course, here was have, the Obligatory Bits-N-Pieces Eye Candy!

And ya know, it's baseball season, so this pics appropo of that...right?



Anonymous said...

I tried watching Game of Thrones - I really did. Just cannot get into it. I mean I love zombies in movies but I watched four episodes of Thrones and they only hint that there are zombies per se. Moves MUCH too slowly.

Michelle M. said...

People who steal stuff suck.

I do the same thing with shows (was late in the game with Mad Men, Dexter and True Blood). We don't have HBO/Showtime, so we have to wait for them to come out on disc.

We recently watched season 1 of GOT on Blockbuster (it was hard to wait for them to come one disc at a time in the mail). I was hooked, so we bought season 2 on ebay, and plowed right through it. Peter Dinklage is terrific in it. Now I need to find a new series to watch. I hear The Wire is good - so maybe I'll try that.

It will be interesting to see what you think about GOT.

Oh, and yell at Mama Polt for me to rest and take it easy!