Thursday, May 09, 2013

You steal, you betray, you don't feel you're an asshole, typical...

OH.  MY.  GOD!

Today at work, it took EVERY ounce of self control I had NOT to take a coworker and punch him square in the throat.

He changed a form to the way he wanted it.  He wants it that way, but *I* have to use to form.  So I changed things around, keeping everything he wanted, just putting in different places.  And when I went to him, at his request, to discuss it, his response to every thing I had done was basically, "No.  We need it the way I did it." etc, etc.etc.

Seriously, I wanted to yank him up out of his chair and throw him across his desk into the concrete block wall, all Hulk like.  But I'm not green and my pants aren't purple, so I didn't.

To be fair, I have NEVER gotten along with this guy.  And I'm not the only one, practically everyone there knows he's a douchebag asshole.  The way most of us work with him is to avoid him as much as possible.  There's some really decent people that work in subordinate positions to him and I have no idea how they do it.

Anyway, Before I lost my temper too much, I basically said, in not these words, but definitely this intent, "Fuck you." and walked out.  I was SO hot!  I was steaming.  I went to my immediate superior and told him everything.  Telling him that I didn't want to be a snitch and have him actually DO anything about this, but I wanted to be aware of my side of the story so that when asshole douchebag coworker came whining about it, he's have both sides of the issue.  And my superior, understood, allowed me to vent and actually gave me some good, helpful advice, which I fully plan on taking.  I then went to another coworker and vented some more.

And by then, my neck was sore and I had the beginnings of a headache.  But I was STILL so pissed.  So I decided I could not let this go unresolved.  I decided I'd be the bigger man, go back to the asshole douchebag, apologize for losing my temper, and telling him I'd use the form in the form he wanted.  What I didn't tell him is that I'd use it in my own way, not the way he intended, but I'd use the form nonetheless.

And when I'm over there, after I tell him that, he has the nerve to say, "Well, now, Polt, you know I value your input-" which practically made me laugh out loud in his face.  But after prattling on for another sentence, he took a breath, and before he could say anymore, I just reiterated I'd use his form and not mine and asked if that was okay.  he said yes, and before he could say another work, I turned on my heel and walked out.

Asshole.  Douchebag.  How do people SO unqualified with absolutely NO personnel management skills get into positions where they have to manage people?????

Anyway, back in my office I had to take some Advil, my head hurt so much.  Luckily it was near the end of the day.  Driving home, the hole right side of head, especially behind my eye, was throbbing, my neck was aching, and I felt a bit nauseous.  I feared I may have to pull over and throw up. I was pale and sweating.  Felt REALLY sick.

Once I got home, I put a wet washcloth over my eyes, laid on the bed and for 40 minutes, drifted in and out of a nap and just laid there recovering.

I then called mom to see her plans for the night, which luckily, she had none.  I had been planning on taking her out for Mother's Day tonight for a few days. ( I HATE Mother's Day, it's a forced holiday and i NEVER celebrate it with her ON Mother's Day, always a bit before or after).  So anyway, even though I didn't really feel like it, I picked her up and we went to a local restaurant I had never been to before.  And after a salad, haddock and baked potato, and conversation and laughs with mom, I felt much MUCH better!

But I've decided, I am NOT dealing with Mr. Asshole Douchebag again.  When he needs something, I fully intend on telling him give it one of his decent subordinates to bring to me and we'll work it out, because I am unable to work with Mr. Asshole Douchebag himself.  It's too hazardous to my health.

And so, even though it'snot quite 9:00pm, I'm going to bed.  I'm exhausted.  But at least I feel much better than I did four hours ago!

Fucking asshole douchebag.


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