Monday, May 06, 2013

So Thursday, coming home from work, I heard a noise in the back under my car.  I thought it might be the muffler, but when I looked in the wheel well, I saw a whole bunch of stones laying in there, and upon knocking them all out, the noise seemed to be gone.

But going to work Friday, I noticed it again, and it was even worse coming home from work.  So I called a place and made an appointment for Monday.  I would have liked to have had it done Saturday, but I had to work, Saturday, so I put off the appointment until Monday.

Driving home Saturday, I was embarrassed.  My car is a little compact thing but it sounded like a 1978 Trans Am Firebird.  Especially while idling.  I'm pretty sure I saw store windows rattling from the noise of my muffler....or lack of a muffler.  So I parked it out back Saturday and did not start it up again until this morning when I took it out the place to get it looked at.

My appointment wasnt until 2:00 in the afternoon, but mom was going out that way, so we dropped it off at about 9:00 am.

Yesterday, in our travels, we went to Lowes and got me four bags of mulch (they had it on sale 4 bags for $10), as well as some potting soil and some concrete slab thingees, all to put in my front garden (the slabs are places for me to step when I'm watering the plants).  So when we got back to my place, I told her I had to poop, but when I came back downstairs, I'd take the bags of mulch from her trunk onto the porch where we'd keep it overnight.

Upon returning the from the bathroom, though, I found her sitting on my bench on the porch (have a mentioned I got a wooden bench for the front porch?  Well I have.), three empty bags of mulch laying next to her and three bags worth of mulch laying the front garden.  And her still in her church clothes.  "No reason for me just to sit here doing nothing," she said.  She carried them and emptied them all while I was upstairs.  And she did it all in her church clothes!

Anyway, this morning then, we took the car out and dropped it off, stopped and got the flowers and returned here.  He spread the mulch around, planted the flowers there, filled the four flower pots with dirt, planted flowers there and planted the leftover ones, in the front garden.  I also trimmed the small tree in the front garden as well.

Afterwards, I showered, she went to her house and showered, and then I took her to The Waynesburger for a quick, cheap, good lunch.  And then we both returned to our respective homes.

And since then, I've been sitting here, putzing around online, waiting to hear from the car place and feeling my legs, specifically my thighs, burn from the bending over and such in the garden today.

Pretty busy morning, I'm pretty sure there'll be no walks in my future today.


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