Wednesday, May 01, 2013

I'm not going away, I'm not going....

My buddy Louis, the cutie from Singapore who lives in DC, has been chatting with me.  He mentioned previously that he's going back to Singapore in early June for his sister's wedding.  I've seen online where he's mentioned being nervous about and filling out VISA forms, but I didn't think anything about it, cause he's been talking about citizenship stuff and I figured it had to do with that.

But I just today found out he has to fill out a VISA to be allowed back into the country, even if he only leaves it for a week and even if he's been living here legally for years!  He might go to Singapore and not be back!!!!  Oh God!

We had been talking about me going down for a visit in May, I wanted to do a Saturday into Sunday, but he said the only day he had free was Mother's Day itself.  So I said we'd just wait until he got back and could have more time.  Then the surprise in the previous paragraph was sprung on me!  So i decided then and there, I was definitely going down, if only for the one day.  I simply will NOT allow him to leave the country and possibly not be allowed reentry without seeing him again and saying a proper goodbye!

I can't believe in a month, he might be gone.  Forever.

Man, this just sucks.  I mean, hopefully he'll be allowed back, but really.....for him to be leaving when I've only just met him.......



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