Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother do you think they'll drop the bomb....

As I'm sure I've mentioned numerous times here before, I DETEST forced holidays, like Valentine's Day, Father's Day and, yes, Mother's Day.  If I want to tell me valentine, my father or my mother that I love them, I"m going to do it throughout the year whenever I want and NOT when the card, flower and candy companies TELL me I'm supposed to. Fuck that.

So last Thursday, I took mom out for Mother's Day dinner to a local restaurant.  And then I gave her the Mother's Day card on Friday.  And I had planned on just going up to her place today and since she has so much food up there, I figured we could eat something she had.

But this morning, when I woke up, after using the bathroom I got on my phone and scanned through Facebook.  And I saw several things.

The first was a photo from a lady I know who has two sons, like 14 & 9 years old.  Her Mother's Day breakfast in bed consisted of a piece of buttered toast, a cut up apple and a granola bar still in the wrapper on a paper plate.  Then a few photos later, there was a photo from another lady I know who has two daughters, like 15 & 6 I think.  Her Mother's Day breakfast in bed consisted of a tray on which sat a glass of orange juice, a glass of mile, three small pancakes either made or cut into the shape of letters M, O, and M, with some strips of bacon above and below them, with a side of scrambled eggs.  And from these pictures, I think it's clear that it's better to have daughters than sons on Mother's Day.

Also, in addition to these photos, I saw many status updates of people wishing their mothers a happy Mother's Day, as well as several saying things about thier mothers that had passed on: "It's been 20 years, Mom, and I still love you as much as now as when you were alive", etc.

And so the guilt hit me.  Realizing how lucky I was I still had mom here, I thought I better do something.  So I called her and said we'd do lunch.  I got to her place and she suggested walking over to Montezuma's, which we did.  They had FREE deep fried ice cream for Mothers!  So using Facebook, I checked in there and explained all that.  Three of my friends replied saying Happy Mother's Day to my mom...but nothing to me.  Funny how MY friend like my mother better than me.  But then EVERYONE loves Mama Polt!

After the delicious meal, we went back to her house and talked for a bit.  And then out of the blue she says, "I need to go to the liquor store.  Is there one open somewhere?"  This made me laugh out loud, cause mom's never been much of a drinker, although she has been known to partake of a glass of wine in the evenings.  Still, to hear he say it, like that, on that day...funny.

A friend of hers had had a drink with equal parts amaretto and lemon juice and something else...and mom wanted to get some amaretto to make some for herself.  So off we went, to an open liquor store and bought some.  Then she stopped to get gas.  Then we went to Wal-Mart and Lowes.

Mother's Day, 2013, I intended to be just no big deal, instead, turned out to be a day of fun with mom. As most days are with her.


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