Sunday, May 12, 2013

Queen of the wet ghost town brigade...

Friday night, Ghostie came over.

My collection of graphic novels had become quite.....unorganized.  Much like most everything else I own.  So I had asked him to come over to help me get it organized.  And I said we could order pizzas and talk and catch up and whatever.

As the time of arrival got closer, I went onto my front porch to read and wait for him.  It was pouring down raining, pretty hard.  But at least there was an open parking space right in front of my house.  It wasn't all that long later that I heard him yell, "Hey man."

And there he was walking up the street, his car nowhere in sight.  And the rain pouring down on him.  And as he walked up on to the porch, I saw his right pants leg, from the knee down, was soaked through with rain and was brown with mud.

He said he slipped coming up here, went down to one knee, but caught himself.  Still, that pants leg got soaked.  And when I pointed out the parking space right in front of my house, he said he never remembers where my house is, so he just takes the first one he sees.

Well he kicked his shoes off in the vestibule, but there was no way he could stay in those pants.  So I went upstairs and got my Superman pajama pants, and in the bathroom, he changed into them and wore them the rest of the night he was here.

We talked a bit, and then ordered the pizzas and talked more until they arrived, and then ate them.  Finally, after this, we made our way upstairs to the library and to the job at hand.

They were unorganized, but it really wasnt that difficult to get them organized.  And we did it all in less than an hour.  And after sitting on the floor for that long, I can tell you 45 year old knees and legs are NOTHING like 25 year old knees and legs.  Jesus Christ, they were sore, tired and achey!

We went downstairs and turned the TV on and watched the last half of The Incredibles, a great movie, by the way.  And then he changed back into his jeans and then left.

The whole procedure went from 7:00pm until 10:30pm.  A good evening, all in all.


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