Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Today, driving home, I was basking the awesomeness that was the sunny, bright, cool, clear afternoon weather. And I thought, "I NEED to take a walk in this beautiful afternoon."  So no sooner was I home than I had my earbuds in, music playing and walking the streets of Waynesboro.

And I kinda got wrapped up in everything, cause I ended up walking nearly an HOUR!  And half of that was walking directing into the sun, so guess who now has a little bit of a sunburn.  And guess who's calves and thighs were destroyed on that big steep hill near the end?  Yeah.....that's me.  Walking down the stairs tomorrow morning should be a treat.  But at any rate.....

Today I walked 3.06 miles in 54 minutes at a rate of 3.4 mph.


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