Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Your day, my day, your day, was how.....

"So, Polt, how was your day?"

Well gee whiz, thanks for asking. I'll tell ya.

Since I wasn't really feeling work, but I got the important stuff done anyway in the morning and since I cleared it with my co-worker and boss, I left at noon.  At the time I had nothing planned, other than some laundry, but that quickly changed.

Right after work, I went and bought two pairs of shoes, a pair a sneakers and a pair of black slip-on fancy dress shoes for work.  After than I went and got my weekly hit, er I mean, weekly supply of comic books.  And then I went to the grocery store and got some supplies: iced tea, celery, wheat thins, yogurt...ya know, only the essentials.

On the drive home, it was hot and a bit humid and supposed to be even worse still tomorrow and into the weekend, and I thought how I didn't have my a/c in.  So I called mom to see what she was doing, and she said nothing.  So I got home, changed and when she got there, we put the big a/c in the window downstairs and the smaller one in the bedroom window.  (I could probably do the smaller on myself, but the big one is just too much for one person)

Realizing we both had errands to run, we headed out.  First to a local privately owned greenhouse where she got some flower, and veggie plants (tomato, cucumber, pepper and I dont remember what else) to plant in her tiny lil garden next to her garage.  Then we went to Lowe's so I could get a new filter for the fridge.  And then we went to Wal-Mart, where we both got stuff.  I again only got essentials, like fabric softener, a new digital camera, Spic-N-Span, Payday candy bar, etc.  And since they have an Auntie Anne's right here in the store, we each got a pretzel.

I came home and put the filter in, moved the clothes from the washer to the dryer (oops, forgot to mention I put them in the washer before mom got there), then putzed around online for a bit wasting time.  After the clothes were done in the dryer, I took them out, put them away and then paid all the bills for June.

I went to put on my new sneakers and discovered one of them doesn't have eyelets in two places that it should, so I'm gonna take them back tomorrow and exchange them.  Putting on the old sneakers, I took a walk to the Post Office to mail them, and then by mom's to see what it looked like there since the guy came and cut down this big tree in her backyard.

Returning home, I took a shower, then made steaks on my George Foreman for supper.  After eating them I took the trash out and ran into one of the boys next door who said his girlfriends dog, who was with them, chased a baby bunny out of it nest right up nest to the house.  We didnt know that's where it was, but now we do, so we'll be careful until they're not in the nest any longer.  He said there were three in there.  no wonder those two rabbits were always in the backyard, and didn't run right away.

And after that...well, I sat down and the computer and let you know about my day.  Nothing awaits me now but bed and reading and sleep.



stratcat45 said...

Only got essentials - like how you slipped the "new digital camera" in there!

Polt said...

Strat, that IS an old camera is on the fritz, and the Pride Parade is just ten days away.....

See, essential? :)
