Friday, January 10, 2014

So today I made it back to work.  And I stayed the whole day. Yay.  Now, however, and actually through most of the day, I was exhausted.  But whatever, I'll just hit the bed here again before long and do it all over.

I'm SO backed up at work.  Two weeks ago, I was off four days and then by myself for the other three.  Then last week, I was again off four days and by myself for the other three.  Then this week, I was off all week except for today and tomorrow.  And then next week, I'm in training all week.  So, basically, in the span of four weeks, I will be in the office but 8 days.  SO much crap has backed up.  Ugh.

I got a bit of it done today, cause a coworker, bless her soul, did all the new clients and allowed me to get caught up on bit.  But still, there's gonna be SO much catching up to do.

But at least I made it to work.  Despite the inch of snow.  Despite the freezing rain.  Despite having to shovel off the sidewalk before I went in.  Yeah, it was a heck of a day.

Butcha know, it was better than laying in bed or on the couch just sleeping.  For what would have been the seventh day.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you're still among the living!

Yeah - I used to hate going on vacations because I knew my inbox would be out of control when I got back.

And of course where I go on vacation there's no easy net service. So that doesn't help.