Sunday, November 16, 2014

I've got oven gloves, if it's her desire....


Friday morning it was pretty cold, under 40.  After I got all ready to work, I went for my gloves.....and couldn't find them.  I had had them on a shelf here in the dining room.  But I cleaned and reorganized the dining room over the summer, I moved the gloves to a place I'd remember so I could get them when it got cold.

And now that it got cold.......I couldn't find them.

I looked around quickly in a few places I thought they might be, but weren't there.  And as I was running late, I just left without them.  As I drove, blowing on my hands as I went, I just told myself I'd find them that night.

That night....I didn't even think to look for them.

Saturday morning, it was even colder.  When I was brushing my teeth, I looked at the digital clock I have in the bathroom (it shows, among other things, the inside and outside temp).  The outside temperature was....33 degrees! And then I remembered I had forgotten to look my gloves.

So after finishing in the bathroom and dressing, I checked the closet in the spare bedroom, cause I have a winter coat hanging in there, but...nope, no gloves.  I did really think they'd be in the comic room's closet, but I went and checked there, and nope, they were not there.  When I went downstairs, I lifted a coat or two on my coatrack to see if I hung a bag of gloves on one of those hooks and nada.

Well I was running even later by then, and I still had no gloves.  But it was even colder, and I refused to have freezing hand again.  I had a pair of big, thick woolen socks that I wore on my feet around the house, and so I brought them along.  Yes indeed I did.  I wore socks on my hands as I drove to work.  Hey, no cold hands, and that's all that matters.  Dont judge me.

Of course, Saturday night when I got home from work....I totally forgot to even look.

When I was getting ready for bed, as I was brushing my teeth I looked at the temps again, and remembered them I forgot to look for them.  So when I was done and went to my bedroom, I checked both closets in my bedroom, and found nothing.  I couldn't imagine that I would have put them on the attic, but I thought I'd check anyway.  So, at 11:00 at night, I trudged up to the attic and looked around.  And found nothing.

This morning, I checked two storage tubs I have in the living and found nothing.  I couldn't imagine I'd put them in the basement either, but I went down and looked.  And found nothing.  But while down there, I remembered that I put all the gloves in a plastic bag and I hung it on a hook in the pantry.

So when I came up out of the basement, I went to the pantry, opened the door and bag of gloves.  Nope, not there.  So now I was REALLY mystified!  Where in the hell could I have put them?

I went back to the coat rack and took a few coats off to look, thinking maybe I hung the bag on one of the hooks under the hooks holding the coats.  No luck.  I saw the B&N bag at the base of the coatrack, that a big bag with handles that I had sitting on the table that I wanted to put in the pantry with all the other big bags I have, but it had fallen on the floor and I just hadn't picked it up yet.  Behind the coatrack was the leafs to the dining room table.  Maybe I put them behind the leafs...but no, nothing there.

I checked the shelves next to the coatrack, behind the table, maybe they were there?  Nope.  I checked the chair behind the table, and while it had a bag on it, the bag didn't contain gloves.  And next to the chair on the floor I saw the B&N bad with handles that I had sitting on the table that I wanted to put in the.....wait a minute.....

I went back to the first B&N bag, the one right under the coatrack, and.....yep, there were the gloves.  In the bag at the base of the coatrack...right where they SHOULD have been.    I just thought the bag with the gloves was the OTHER bag instead.  Had I picked up the other bag right away and put it in the pantry, then I wouldn't have been confused by this one.

Ah, well...what's the moral of the story?  Hell if I know....put your bags in the pantry right away?  Pick something up off the floor as soon as it lands there?  Always have a pair of woolen socks handy in case you can't find gloves?  Dont clean up your dining room, cause if you do, you may lose your gloves?

Whatever.  At least I'll have warm hands now.



Tam said...

There is nothing more annoying than putting something away where you'll be sure to find it later, only later to have no freaking clue where you put it. It makes perfect sense at the time. Glad you found them and don't have to drive thumbless.

Michelle M. said...

Ha! That crap happens to me all the time. Love that you Magyvered it with socks : ).