Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Baby, I want you back...

AAAAAAAAAND, we're back!!! YAY!!!

Corey, the cute, adorable, computer techy GENIUS that is my friend stopped by after work. I ordered us pizza, which we ate. Then he got onto my laptop and fooled around for a bit trying this, that, and the other. To no avail. I was of COURSE in dire straits stressing. And then he asked when it started, and I told him last night. So he did this thing where he reset everything to the way it was on January 5th. And ba-da-bing, ba-da-boom, the virus was gone! YAY!!!

I make fun of this now, but I gotta be honest. When he told me it was fixed, I damn near felt like crying. Silly, I know. But this computer is like an appendage to me. It's like my contact with the outside world. Without it, I feel like I've lost an arm. Plus, I felt so very foolish. I knew better than to download what I did, I knew it wasn't what it appeared to be. And I felt stupid for not adequately running my anti-viral software. Oh I did, but nowhere near enough. And the whole thing was just sheer stupidity on my part.

I didn't sleep well last night, stressing about all this. I had it in the back of head all day today, and it made me grumpy. I was just convinced that Corey would be here for several hours and in the end be able to do nothing other than wipe the slate clean and start me afresh with a renewed computer. And instead, the whole thing took Corey like two and a half hours, and that includes the time to eat the pizza and shoot the shit a bit.

The boy is just a genius. God, I'm so glad I've got him as a friend.

And, at any rate, as I said, I'm back, virusfree, and hope to remain that way for the time being.



Tam said...

Yay Corey. Glad you are safe and sound again.

Michelle M. said...

I love cute, adorable computer techy geniuses!
Glad your computer is healed : ).