Saturday, February 05, 2011

Take a chance, take a chance, take a chance on me...

Today on the way to work, I had an epiphany.

I was listening to the most recent CD I recieved in the Monthly CD Bloggy Exchange Thingee (or whatever we call it). This one was from john, The BunnyMan. I like this CD a lot, cause john, The BunnyMan and I have similar tastes in music. And this CD did not disappoint.

There's a song on there "Take a Chance On Me" originally by ABBA, this time covered by Erasure. While on the way to work, I was singing along, and I came to the following lyrics, and sung along like I always did, "When you're all alone with the pretty birds blah blah." That's always how I had sung it.

But then, the next time those lyrics came around, I was sitting at a stop light, not singing and for the first time in my LIFE, I heard the actual lyrics: "When you're all alone, and the pretty birds have flown."

And the clouds parted and sunbeams shown down on me as a celestial choir sangs hymns and cherubs floated overhead strumming harps. Or so my epiphany felt like it went.

I immediately put the CD on rewind and listened to it again, and yep that's what they said. How could I NOT have known what they were saying all these years?

As I laughed to myself, I though back on the other lyrics I had messed up before. The main one being Jimi Hendrix singing, " 'Scuse me, while I kiss this guy" instead of the correct lyric of " "Scuse me, while I kiss the sky."

Ah, well, live and learn.


1 comment:

john said...

I remember asking my brother why Jimi wanted to kiss some guy.

I'm glad you like the CD. Sorry it was so late, but I hope it was worth the wait!