Monday, May 06, 2013


My appointment was at 2, they didn't call me until 4:10, and then to tell me that yes, the problem WAS the muffler (no duh) and did I want them to fix it?  Well, um, that's kinda WHY I took it there so yes.  Okay, he said, they could have it ready in about an hour, it'll cost $288.  GROAN.

Five minutes later I get a call back.  The auto parts store THOUGHT they had one in stock, but they dont, and wont be able to get one until tomorrow.  See THIS is why I wanted an appointment earlier in the morning, so maybe, IF this happened, there would be time to get it fixed today.  But whatever.

He said they could have it done in the morning, like 9:00 (although I'm not holding my breath on the time estimate), so I told them to keep it, fix it tomorrow and call me.  I called into work to take the morning off, telling them I'll be there at noon.  Which should give them an additional two to two and a half hours to get it fixed over their estimate and still allow me to get to work by noon.

Yeah, this is a pain....but on the bright side....I get to sleep in tomorrow.



Anonymous said...

$288 for a muffler? Really? Wow! A decent muffler only costs < $50. So they're hitting you $238 in labor. Makes me suspect they may be replacing a little more than the muffler.

Polt said...

Oh yeah, they're also going to do a tire rotation, and there was another part he mentioned under the car relating to the muffler, so it's not JUST the muffler. But that's what I'm thinking it is cause it was so noisy!


Michelle M. said...

Ouch! That's a lot of $. What a pain. We have so many problems with our car, it's in the shop ALL the time. But Harry is weirdly attached to it. Whatever.

Today, the car alarm kept going off while I was driving it (we've had it in the shop a couple times because of the alarm). It turned out Harry's money clip was turning on the alarm fob in his pocket.

Hope they fix the hell out of Sebastian.