Thursday, July 17, 2014

Alarm clock starts the day, I rub my eyes and try to delay....

This is sheer awesomeness.

 When I was going to college, I was living at home.  Mom and dad would get up before me (I never scheduled early classes), mom would make dad breakfast and he'd be on his way.  Then she'd get ready.  At this time we had a lil black cock-a-poo named Kookee (pronounced Cookie).  When mom was ready to leave for work, she's always say to her, " wanna go get Polt up?"

And the dog would jump up from where ever she was, race upstairs and run in circles in front my bedroom door waiting for my mom to catch up with her.  The mom opened the door, and Kookee would LAUNCH herself up onto my bed, run up my body (each and every time, regardless of where on the bed or what position I was sleeping in) and then stand beside my head licking my face until I actually sat up in bed and petting and made over her.

And mom, having made sure I was up, would leave for work and I'd proceed to get ready myself.  While Kookee, as I recall many times, would just be sitting at the edge of my bed, watching me, head erect and at attention.  She looked to me as if she were inspecting her handiwork and proud of it.

Short of having the person in bed with you wake you up with a blowjob, the way I described above is my favorite way to wake up.


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