Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Before I get to cranky, you better (Part 12)...

What's Better?

This one come by request of a reader.  

It seem reader and their partner, when it comes to fruits of choice, do not agree.  One of them prefers a melon  of some kind (watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew) and the other prefers a berry of some kind of berry (blackberry, blueberry, raspberry, strawberry).  And they were curious as to what the rest of us think.  Therefore, the question today is, What's Better?

Berries, or.....


Vote below!  Leave your reasons, rationales, questions or comments in the comments below!



vuboq said...

Berries all the way (although I also love me some watermelon and cantaloup). My superfantastic cousin's spouse has a serious berry aversion that I do not understand.

Michelle M. said...

I missed the quiz. Nuts. Well, I would have had a hard time picking anyway!