Monday, July 07, 2014

One small woman gotta checkup randomly....

So today was my quarterly visit to the doctor about my diabetes.

I knew the report wasn't going to be good. I haven't been exercising...well, at all.  And I've been eating....well, horribly.  I've been eating all the wrong stuff (pasta, pizza, bagels, subs, regular soda) in all the wrong amounts. So I knew the results were gonna suck.  And, tho, they did.

So I'm basically back to where I was two years ago.  *SIGH*  It sucks being a lazy ass who loves to eat carbs when you've got the diabeetussssssss.  She was all keen to put me on some kind of insulin, but I managed to persuade her to give me one more chance.  I'd go off the serotonin completely, since I've not had racing anxiety thoughts and since that pill made me very tired and sleepy, and see if I can turn things around.  But this is pretty much, I think, my last shot before insulin.  *SIGH*

So I guess it's back to steak and salads nearly every night.  And walking again.  A LOT of walking again.*SIGH*


1 comment:

Michelle M. said...

Ack! Be good!!!