Monday, November 03, 2014

Today, I got up about 930, but my whole day felt off.  I blame DST (I wish they'd just do away with it altogether), but I don't know if that's it or not.

I had a dream right before waking that involved me trying to join up in the military.  I have no idea which branch, but I was really uncertain about doing it.  And when I got to the room where I had to sign in, they had trouble finding my name.  Also, there were already a LOT of other people there, including people I knew (who, like me were old and out of shape and should NEVER have been trying to join up). I wanted to sit near one of them, but once I got signed in, nearly all the seats were taken and I had to sit in a row off by itself against the windows.  Officer Number 1 was going around, telling use everything we had to do and what we should be prepared to do, and it was then I decided I didn't want to do this.  So when Officer Number 1 got to my desk (he was handing out things) I tried to tell him I had changed my mind, but he just told me everyone has doubts and ignored me and went on.  Finally, Officer Number Two came around to pick up the things Officer Number One was distributing, and I told HIM I didn't want to do it.  He was much more understanding.  He let me pick myself up and leave, but as I did, I saw all the looks of disdain on the faces of the other people and I felt like shit.

And then I woke up.

Feeling like shit.  So maybe that had something to do with my day being off.  Also, I'm still fighting the cold, but now it's in my head and chest, and there's a cough when I lay down (NyQuil takes care of that at night).  But I felt pretty blah all day.  And since it's a cold, dreary day outside, I didn't leave the house.  I didn't even shower.  I spent the day putzing around online or reading my book, laying on the couch with the heater going near my feet.  Even took a half hour nap at one point.

I hated wasting the day like this, but really, it's all I felt like doing.  Might even go to bed somewhat early tonight.  I really don't feel like doing anything else.

But tomorrow is another day.  It'll be better than today.


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