Friday, December 05, 2014


Earlier this week, I was sick with a stomach bug.  It came over me all of a sudden at work on Tuesday.  I was in the middle of something, attempted to get it done, but in the end, just had to leave.  Spent the rest of the day on the couch or in the bathroom.  I was off work Wednesday for the same reason doing the same thing.

Thursday, I wasn't sick, but I was physically drained and exhausted.  I went to work to complete what I was in the middle of Tuesday, and to do a few other things that needed to be done.  But with how tired I felt, I left at two, came home and laid on the couch watching tv.  I took a short nap and when I woke up, I felt not tired anymore.  It was quite refreshing. I even had my appetite back.  

But last night, Dallas was playing on Thursday Night Football...and Dallas' victory wasn't assured until the last two minutes, so I was up until about midnight watching the game.  And then i had to get up today and go to work, because I was going to be the only person there from my department today.

And of COURSE, it was batshit crazy at work today....naturally.  And I was tired from being sick and lack of sleep.  And it really wasn't a great day.

And because of all this....that's why I having updated the blog since Tuesday.  The daily stuff is all caught up now though.  I hope to resume regular posting over the weekend.


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