Friday, March 05, 2010

they used to come before, the awkwardness and boredom...

SO I made plans earlier in the week with Reggie, one of my occasional fuckbuddies, to get together tonight after work. He told me his other half, Ed, was out of town but coming back a bit early. This was not a problem cause Ed and Reggie have some sort of open relationship thingee where they can have sex with others, but they have to be open with each other about it, and not lie to each other about it...or something like that. I honestly don't get it all because 1) we don't talk about his relationship with Ed when we're together and 2) as long as I know Ed doesn't care, then I don't care. The status of their relationship and how it works for them is really rather irrelevant to me.

So anyway, after two hours there, Reggie informs me, after looking at the clock, that Ed might be home soon. I really dont wanna be there when Ed's there, just to avoid the awdwardness, so Reggie and, wrap up the festivities. And as we're laying there, Reggie says he should probably get cleaned up so he can greet Ed when he comes in. I'm thinking I should get up and dressed and out of there, to avoid the awdwardness. But of course, it SOOOO nice to lay there post coitally...and so we continue to do so.

And then, yeah, the front door opens. I'm like, "Oops, guess he's home." Reggie smiles, "yeah, guess he is." Ed putters around downstairs and Reggie gets up and yells, "Hey, honey." Ed yells something back to him.

Me? I snickering to myself like a madman. For some reason, the whole situation strikes me as absurdly funny. I'm in an upstairs bedroom with this guy, both of naked and still sweaty, and he's yelling hello to his partner who just came in downstairs. And the partner yells some greeting back, knowing full well that I'm up and in the situation with his partner I'm in. I just couldn't help but giggle. Which might also have been nervous giggling.

Reggie and I get dressed, he brushes his teeth and cleans up a bit, and we're talking like nothing's out of the ordinary. Which it may not have been for him, I don't know, but it certainly was for me!

So then we're going downstairs, and I just have this vision of this big hulking guy standing in the living room and as I emerge from the stairs, he charges me and beats the shit outta me. And if you're expecting that end to this story, you'll be disappointed. Ed was out of the patio in back smoking a cigarette. Reggie went into the kitchen and greeted him at the patio door. I stood at the doorway between the kitchen and living room. Again, as I watched, a guy I had just had sex with kissed his partner and made some joke about him still being in his suit, or something, I snickered again.

And Reggie then introduces us. The sun had set, and they only had like a nightlight in the kitchen, we couldn't see each other, but Ed waves and says, "Hey Polt." And I just responded, "Hello, Ed" reflexively, without even thinking what I was saying, or how...well, awkward I felt. I think I'm pretty sure I even raised my hand in a half wave before I caught myself.

Reggie then walked me back to the front door. We talked momentarily (about actually getting together on a more regular basis, and specifically about next Friday) and then I was like, "Well, thanks." And I put my hand out which Reggie took to shake it. And then I did actually laugh out loud. And so did he. A HANDSHAKE?, I thought. Seriously? He and I had been touching intimate parts of each other with our own intimate parts not more than a half hour earlier, and now? Now we get a handshake?

I asked if a hug was okay, and he said he hugs everyone, so we did. And then I left. And I laughed all the way to my car. It's like that whole experience was one big Awkward Robot Dance!

But despite the awkwardness, I still wanna do it again next Friday. Although Ed won't be home so early then, so there shouldn't be as much, if any, awkwardness.



tornwordo said...

I think I would have been giggly too.

hoteltuesday said...

Sounds like a threesome waiting to happen. Make sure you play Britney's "3" if that does end up happening!