Sunday, March 28, 2010

you know, i'm calling your name, michelle...

So what did I do this week? Glad you asked. I had quite a Michelle week.

Last Sunday, I spend the afternoon with Michelle, which you may have already read about in a previous post.

Wednesday, Michelle and I went to a local restaurant she hadn't been to before: Bulls And Bears. Great food, even better company. We in fact sat at the same table in the corner that I sat at the first time I was there with Virginia. And I had just as great a time this time and then.

Thursday, after work I went to another Michelle's (whom I'm calling Me-Chell from now on to differentiate) house. I helped her with a project she had. She needed to get BINGO cards ready for a bridal shower this weekend. She had 33 different items and we needed to make 60 BINGO cards. Yes, I did indeed say 60! She had already written up 60 different combinations of cards, but we needed to get them onto the card sheets in the computer. So while read them out, I typed them in. And I swear if I ever have to type 'morter & pestle', '7 piece multi server' or 'quesadillo maker' again, I'm fairly certain I'll scream.

After doing 24 cards in like an hour and a half or so (although it seemed like an eternity), we decided to break for a meal and went to a local steakhouse. I had an incredible steak. She got ribs. And since she's such a petite little flower, she couldn't finish them all. And since she was slying out the next day, she couldn't use the leftover ribs. So I got to take them to lunch the next day. yum-me!

Then, last night, the first Michelle and I went to see a local play. Michelle went even though she's injured her hand taking the dog for a walk (yeah, don't ask. If you know Michelle, you know this doesn't should quite as unusual as it probably does to those of you who don't know her). She had planned drive us there, but I did. We watched it was a co-worker and her son. It was the "The Music Man". And even though the co-worker was, and still kinda is, a theater geek, she had never seen it before. Another co-worker's wife was directing it, and he was there too.

I enjoyed myself. I gotta admit, the band they had sucked. Other than the drummer and the pianist the rest of them were...well, horrible. They were off key, they were too loud. It was distracting. I think they were a bit over-ambitious when it came to scene changes cause there was too much time spent in the dark while they wheeled things on and off and nothing was going on. The female lead had an incredible voice, but it seemed to me she was more of an operatic type of voice and out of place in this musical, although she was a great singer. The male lead however was fantastic. he had the mannerisms of the Robert Preston (from the movie) down pat. And he reminded me, in body type, face shape, looks, everything, of Josherz!

And after the play, at like 10:30 at night, Michelle and i stopped at The Waffle House and got something to eat. Oh yeah, we DO know how to live.

Overall, very entertaining. As was, in fact, my whole week.



Tam said...

Waffle House is slightly frightening, at least the one I was at in Florida. I'm more into IHOP.

I saw Michelle's in pain. Hope she's feeling better soon.

Anonymous said...

Oh Polt - I could have helped and made the 60 card thing run in about 20 seconds. A little VBA script and you're good to go.