Friday, March 18, 2011

It's a beautiful day, beautiful day....

Today, when I got out of work, it was sunny, breezy and like 75 degrees. I drove home with the windows down and the radio up. I'm not one of those summer junkies, I hate hate and detest humidity. But I gotta say, after being cooped up inside all winter, this was QUITE the pleasant change.

When I got home, I ran an anti-viral scan on my computer, (which took over an hour). So while it was running, I shook out the rugs in the upstairs hall and swiffered up the dirt. Then, I strapped on the iPod and went for a walk. A 45 minute walk! Yeah I know, great, right? And it was.

Except, in the middle of the walk, my iPod died. It finished up a song, and did not start the next one. And I no matter what a touch or move my finger over, it doesn't change. It's stuck there. Which kinda sucks. Except that my iPod lived a good ling life, I'm pretty sure I got it for Christmas in 2004, so it's over 6 years old. Which is like three lifetimes in human years. And anyway, I tried to update a few weeks ago and when i put it in the docking port, the computer told me it was corrupted and couldn't be read. So I guess it was just a matter of time.

I was looking at getting a new iPod before, but then I realize if I end up getting an iPhone, like I intend, I can just listen to my iPod music on there. So I suppose we can just consider this more incentive to get that iPhone.

And then after the walk, I got a big bowls of Nachos from Rutters. With salsa, sour cream, cheese, lettuce and I think chili. So it kinda negated any good from the walk. But I planning on getting the nachos regardless, so since I took a walk, it's not as bad. Right? Right???



Tam said...

I think that is pretty long for an Apple product. Our weather was above freezing but not as nice as your's. Tomorrow a high of +2. About 36F. Sigh. Spring came and went and I missed it.

Anonymous said...

I have resisted the iPhone and instead will probably get an Android based phone.

Michelle M. said...

I hate when my MP3 player dies on me! I have the worst luck with gadgets, I think I'm cursed. Anyway, it almost sounds like you have to get an iPhone. You can't exercise without music. Right? Right!

I'll pretend you didn't eat nachos if you pretend I didn't just eat 12 peeps in one sitting.