Saturday, March 12, 2011

One time in summer camp, when I was twelve (Part 37)...

12 for the 12th
March, 2011 edition
This whole thing is CHAD's baby. Stop by and see who else posted.

This month, I decided to show what my hands do in a typical day.


Time to turn on the shower and get ready for work. The cord leads to the shower head. Note the new, nifty green, blue and yes purple dotted shower curtain!


This is my hand, driving the car on the way to work.


My post-breakfast morning ritual. Diabetic pills, cholestoral pills, a vitamin, a baby aspirin, a Claritin.


Typing at work.


Using my wireless mouse while putzing around online.


Making a call to mom.


Checking out my newest Netflix movie.


Putting on my Totes toasties! Despite the 60 degree temps today, my feet were still chilled.


A glass of strawberry wine while I prepare supper? Don't mind if I do!


Getting ready to flip the steak! Hmmmm, steak......


Lighting the scented candles. (and yes, that IS a small souvenir likeness of the CN Tower in Toronto behind my hand, and a Canadian flag keychain around it. Thanks for noticing!)


Catching up on some light reading, a Star Trek novel.



vuboq said...

One of these days I am going to remember to start doing these again. Of course, my 12 of 12 would have been all of me sleeping and being hungover ... *sigh*

Hope you had a great day! (and that you ate some delicious veggies along with that steak!)

tornwordo said...

Nice theme this month. You're too young to take so many pills!

FDot said...

Wait....whose hand is that in picture 10? I thought the only cooking you did was to press the buttons on the microwave?

Sunny Archibald said...

Interesting theme for the month. Hopefully, you'll be able to ditch some of those pills someday. Ditto what vubog said about the veggies! See you next month.

Michelle M. said...

What a fun 12. I'm going to chime in on the veggie thing. Any day including wine, movie and a book works for me!

kerri said...

This Canadian is loving the added CN tower and Canadian flag ;).