Wednesday, March 16, 2011

It's been a hard day's night....

Today, sucked royally. It was a thoroughly craptastic day. Not as bad as some days in the past, but not a good one. The Big Boss was being idiotic again, my coworker was in training most of the day and I was kinda swapped, a deaf client came in which meant extra work (if not today, tomorrow for sure), I didn't get caught up on much paperwork at all, and after dealing with several of the clients, I feel emotionally drained.

After work I got a cut-n-color, which was actually quite relaxing. After that I stopped and got some beer and pizza and consumed both. After a shower, I felt quite relaxed. And then my tummy started getting rumbley and I kinda feel a bit off, while at the same time, I discovered a blister forming under my tongue.

And the best part is, I have to go back to work tomorrow to basically the same kinda shit I dealt with today! Although, actually, it shouldn't be all that draining as I'll not be dealing with the same clients. One can hope.

On the other hand, here's a skantily clad cutie!

Now, all is right with the world.



Tam said...

Sorry your day was sucky. Hope your boss is in a better mood tomorrow and you feel good.

Michelle M. said...

Sounds like a craptastic day. Hopefully tomorrow will improve. I like your "on the other hand." I'm getting a Blue Lagoon vibe from him.