Monday, March 28, 2011

Oh what a day, what a day we've had.....

So, what did I do on my Monday off today?  Well, I'll tell you, thanks for asking.

Got up at 8:45.  Harvested my crops (don't judge) and planted more.  Then, I showered, dressed and headed out the door.  I went to Hagerstown to my doctor's appointment.  The good news is I'm still HIV Negative (YAY!).  The other news is my blood pressure, cholesterel, triglycerides, etc, are all doing well.  The bad news is my A1C was 9.9, when its supposed to be under 6.  And it's gotten worse since last time.  So other my diabetes getting worse, it's all good.

After this, I went to Wal-Mart here in town and bought a pair of gloves.  My current pair were wearing out and I thought I could find some now on sale, which I did.  As well as a belt.

I dropped some money off at the Credit Union, then bought all my cards for April at the Hallmark store, and then went to the Post Office to mail a few things.  Since I'd had no breakfast, I went to Montezuma's and had an early lunch.  And there was a feast for my eyes as well with the wait staff they have there.

Then I stopped by mom's but she wasn't home.  I let the dog out and read the paper and then came home.  And when I got back, it was just 12:30.  Did more this morning than I usually do all day.  So I putzed around here again doing a load of laundry.

Right around 4:00, mom called and said she was going to Hagerstown for some things, did I want to go along?  Well, what else was I doing?  So I said sure.  And so, off we went.  She needed to go to Bed Bath & Beyond. I walked down to Borders.  I was just intending to browse around.  I should have known better.  I ended up buying two books.  That I of course did not need, but whatever.  Then I walked back to BB&B and met up with her.  I couldn't believe that I got finished in a bookstore before she got finished in there, but she's never claimed to be a quick shopper.

Then we went to Wal-Mart there in Hagerstown.  She just needed a few things, that I helped her get.  And then together we went to Sams where I just needed to get a few things.  Following this, we ate at Ci-Ci's.  Unlimited pizza buffet and Coke really isn't good for my diabetic status, but what can ya do?  If Mama Polt wants Ci-Ci's Mama Polt gets Ci-Ci's.

And following this, I came home and have been hanging out here.  Yeah, not terribly exciting, I know.  But I've done a lot today, and found out I'm still HIV negative, so it can't be THAT bad of a day.



Tam said...

Yay for the good news. When I have days like that were I'm all productive before lunch it throws me off.

Michelle M. said...

Congrats on the negative status - keep it up! And keep working on (getting rid of)the diabetes. Eat some veggies!

Anonymous said...

Reminds me, I should schedule a check up.

That said, good that everything seems to be in order.