Friday, March 04, 2011

My week so far.

Tuesday after work, over the phone, Angel and I had....a discussion. I'll not go into detail, cause the details don't matter, but basically, I'd begun questioning several things and on Tuesdays, I put all my cards on the table and confronted him with it. After some yelling (my part) and some crying (his part), I told him I'd need a few days to think about things and get back with him. And then I spent most of the night feeling like a heel, and a big jerk. Although I wasn't backtracking on anything I said.

Wednesday was an entirely crappy day from the moment I woke up, it was bad. It did get better as the day wore on, but it consisted of getting up late, terribly idiotic drivers in traffic, co-workers pissing me off, having a slight headache, knocking the thing that holds my paperclips and pens and highlighters all over the office floor, spilling coffee on my hand and just generally having a totally shit filled day.

Thursday, i woke up with, and spend most the day with, a migraine. Yippee. I did feel better later in the afternoon, early in the evening. I called Angel and told him, basically, we were gonna have to go back to square one, which was just dating. He just said like, "okay". Not that he seemed pissed, just like he kinda expected it. I actually think this will be the end of us, that I really won't see him again, unless it's by accident. Which is kinda sad on one hand, but okay on the other.

Today, well, today was actually the best of the bunch, despite being The Longest Work Day EVER. And having no motivation to do anything...which probably contributed to it being a long day. After work, I finally got out and took a walk, albeit a short one. And ended up at mom's, which was fun. And then we went to Montezuma's to eat. Which was fun and tasty.

All through this week, and even some of last week, I think I've been fighting off something. One day, I had a pretty scratchy throat. Another I had a snot filled head. Another, a chest cough. Another a sinusy type of headache. And all throughout, I've felt fatigued and tired. So I think something, maybe this flu that's been going around, has been trying to get a foothold on me, and I've been fighting it off. Thankfully, I've not had any full blown stuff, but it's still just icky-blah.

I think I'm gonna try to take the weekend, so little to nothing and just rest. Course, that's what I did LAST weekend, and I'm still this way now. Ah, well whatever, at least The King's Speech got the best movie Oscar, so all's right with the world, eh?


1 comment:

Tam said...

Sorry you had such a poopy week. Hugs. Hope a restful weekend with lots of liquids and next week is an improvement.